More About Carl

As a community watchdog I have a vision for Sacramento County that includes  providing jobs for county residents so that they can support their families, to make sure we have good schools for our children, to ensure adequate public safety officers countywide, and to offer social services to residents in need.

Additionally, the county must concentrate on transportation issues, water issues, economic and housing development, and the saving of agricultural land for future generations. 

Remember Sacramento County will be no better then what we make it!

I volunteer my time and money for many causes in Sacramento County (listed below are some of them):

Access Sacramento, best known for its television cable casting and community-based radio, Access Sacramento is a nonprofit public service organization dedicated to providing outreach, training and media opportunities to traditionally un-served and under-served citizens. Access operates two cable television channels and two cable radio stations, showcasing programming by for and about Sacramento issues and concerns.

The yearly Sacramento Film Festival is sponsor by Access Sacramento.  Access Sacramento  also provides extensive training in all areas of new media. We operate a major interactive community service bulletin board, administer the Official Sacramento Homepage on the Internet and produce innovative community-based multimedia resources for a wide variety of clients.

Access Sacramento is a free speech station and sometimes I don’t agree with the views expressed, but I do believe in the United States Constitution and the First Amendment, which says:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assembly, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

To view The Charters of Freedom on the Internet (Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights) click here:  Charters of Freedom

I have served:

Auburn Dam Council.  The purpose of the Council is to plan to build a flood control dam on the America River.  No river city in America faces a more grave risk of flooding than Sacramento, where 350,000 residents and 160,000 structures valued at over $30 billion occupy a low-lying floodplain at the confluence of the Sacramento and American rivers.   As demonstrated by the floods of 1986, 1995 and 1997, each exposed a different weakness in our flood control plan.

The Auburn Dam not only will protect us from future floods but it will supply us clean energy, more water for our cities and farms and a place to play (fishing, boating, swimming and picnics). 

Council of Senior and Senior Organizations.  The purpose of COSSO is to study and promote programs that affects and improve the quality of life for seniors in the greater Sacramento area.

Friends of the California State Fair.  The Friends of the Fair is an organization dedicated to making the fair better and raising funds for a scholarship program.

Sacramento County Taxpayers League, founded in 1961.  The League is comprised of a diverse group of business, professional and industrial organizations, together with prominent local individuals and residents of every age and social strata, who are greatly concerned with our community and the most effective use of our tax dollars.

Sacramento Transportation and Air Quality Collaborative.  The Collaborative is a joint effort by nine public agencies within the Sacramento countywide area: the County of Sacramento; the Cities of Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, Folsom, and Sacramento; the Sacramento Regional Transit District (RT); the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD), and the Sacramento Transportation Authority (STA).

We are fortunate in Sacramento County to have a transportation system that fosters economic growth, a quality of life with virtually unlimited access to goods, services and destinations. This system is no accident. It came about through decades of planning and hard work on the part of transportation professionals and citizens. 

Sacramento transit systems is especially critical to the overall economy in our region. The transit systems in urban, suburban, and rural areas throughout the county link people to jobs, medical care, shopping, schools, and other essential services.  But we have not yet upgraded our transit systems or services to reflect the changes in commuting patterns in the Sacramento region from a "hub and spoke" to a "spider web" system.  

In the next twenty years Sacramento County and region will grown in population by over 1,000,000 people.  In order to keep moving ahead we must plan now for growth.  We need more bridges, better roads, more public transportation (light rail and buses), better bicycle access and safe streets and neighborhoods.

According to the 2000 census – Statewide, 70 percent of Californians drive to work alone and about 15 percent car pooled.

We need to plant at least a million new trees in order to keep our air clean.

And we cannot overlook the value of our communication network.  We can save on trips to work, school, shopping and yes even the doctors office if we continue to expand our cable and satellite system.

            Sub Committees I serve on are Education Working Group, Visioning    Working Group, Measure A Expenditure Plan Citizens Advisory Committee

Arden Arcade Community Plan Update - Transportation

If you have any suggestions on how to make Sacramento a better place to live, please send me a email message detailing your ideas.

Thank you 
Carl Burton

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